
LLC "TRIAS" team will work in collaboration with your company team, to reduce the risks that you face, despite the fact how wide range of problems associated with the reservoir and the wellbore is. We have modern control technologies when working with openhole and cemented wells. Our experienced professionals, whose qualifications will allow you to beat the competition, will interact with your engineering staff working on a full-time basis to make the right decision and obtain the most successful result.

When you contact us for help - We get involved to do. Day after day for many years, our experts are addressing these issues.

Customer benefits:

Coil tubing WO operations, milling and sidetracking.

To date, wells completion can be paired with a huge variety of problems associated with the development of the wellbore. Identifying optimal methods for solving such problems can be difficult; however, the TRIAS Company has the capability of high organization and implementation of technological solutions for high-quality and cost-effective downhole operations carried out at the mobile repair units with the use of tubing or coiled tubing.

Experts of the company TRIAS can provide effective scheduling, selection of technical and technological solutions, as well as prudent supervising of works such as:

• Killing of well

• Chemical effects on the reservoir

• Elimination of sand recovery

• Cement squeeze job

• Elimination of the pressure between strings

• Fishing operations

• Elimination of sand and clay and / or paraffin plugs

• Well development